Why this work matters

  • Learning Differences are everywhere.

    An estimated 1 in 5 students struggle with learning and attentional differences, affecting their performance in school and general happiness now and later in life.

  • It's an Equity problem.

    Expensive interventions are out of reach for most families. Neuropsychological testing, private tutoring, and advocacy for services can be transformative, and there is an urgent need to make all tools accessible for all families.

  • It's a Public policy problem.

    Students with unidentified and unaddressed learning differences are more likely to encounter the criminal justice system, have adverse health outcomes, and struggle with mental health challenges.

the opportunity

With advances in cognitive science and neuropsychology, we understand more about what students with learning differences need to thrive than ever before. But we believe that change can’t happen unless this knowledge is fused with on-the-ground classroom experience. We are supporting exciting projects that promise to translate the science into educational practice while prioritizing student, teacher, and parent voice.